Call us: 772-247-3371
Ensure your boat or yacht looks its best with our comprehensive boat washing service. Our skilled team meticulously removes dirt, grime, and salt buildup, leaving your vessel spotless and gleaming. We use high-quality, eco-friendly cleaning products that are tough on stains but gentle on your boat’s surfaces. Regular boat cler not only enhances the appearance of your vessel but also helps prevent long-term damage from environmental contaminants.
Full Wax & Detailing
Protect and enhance the beauty of your boat with our full wax and detailing service. Our experts meticulously polish and wax every surface, restoring the boat’s shine and providing a durable protective layer against the elements. This process not only gives your yacht a brilliant finish but also helps to extend the life of its exterior surfaces by shielding them from UV rays, salt, and oxidation. Experience the pride of owning a vessel that looks as good as new with our top-notch detailing service.
Enjoy a fresh and inviting interior with our professional cabin cleaning service. We thoroughly clean and sanitize all cabin areas, including carpets, upholstery, and hard surfaces, ensuring a comfortable and pleasant environment for you and your guests. Our team tackles tough stains, mold, and mildew, leaving your cabin smelling fresh and looking pristine. A clean cabin not only enhances your boating experience but also promotes a healthier environment on board.
Revitalize your boat’s surface with our wet sanding and compound service. This process is designed to remove oxidation, scratches, and imperfections, restoring your boat’s original smooth and glossy finish. Our skilled technicians carefully sand the surface to eliminate flaws, then apply a compound to polish and refine the hull. The result is a beautifully restored boat that looks and feels like new, enhancing both its appearance and value.
Shield your boat with our advanced ceramic coating service. This high-tech treatment offers superior protection against UV rays, salt, and contaminants, keeping your vessel looking new for longer. The ceramic coating forms a hard, durable layer that resists scratches, oxidation, and corrosion, providing long-lasting protection. With our ceramic coating, you’ll enjoy a stunning, high-gloss finish that makes maintenance easier and preserves the value of your boat.
Reach out to us anytime for an estimate or questions about our boat and yacht detailing services availab.e
Treasure Coast Boat and Yacht Detailing
6007 Longspur Ln
Palm City, Fl 34990
(772) 247-3371
© copyright 2024 by Treasure Coast Boat and Yacht Detailing